WINNERS' Job Hunt Bootcamps
Transform How You Job-Search and Seize the Win!


Job Hunt


For Professionals & Executives
 Led by Misha Rubin Career Educator CEO of The Career Leap | Former Ernst & Young Part ner
 As seen on 
Get the job you want in less than 90 days by acquiring game-changing tools and strategies of The Career Leap Method, and gaining support to
Craft a laser-sharp Personal Brand Story that will make you stand out from the competition,
Deploy our unique Dynamic Engagement Strategy to target and engage potential employers, and
Maintain relentless Winner Mindset by identifying and dismantling your disempowering beliefs
Be the FIRST to know about Free Events, Bootcamp Dates, Bonuses, Scholarships and more.
...Because You Can Seize the Win and Enjoy the Ride!
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